Opening 9:30-9:40
Chair M. Colonna (LNS)
9:40-10:10 A. Bracco (UNIMI/INFN) "The "isoscalar" pleasure to collaborate with Edoardo"
10:10-10:40 N. Martorana (INFN-CT) "Isoscalar excitation of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance in 68Ni"
Coffee Break 10:40-11:10
Chair F. Crespi (UNIMI/INFN)
11:10-11:40 L. Pellegri (iThemba LABS) "Searching for the Pygmy Dipole Resonance"
11:40-12:10 J.A Lay (Universidad de Sevilla) "Quantum phase transitions via two-neutron transfer"
12:10:12:40 E. Vigezzi (INFN-MI) "Retracing Edoardo's footsteps"
12:40-13:00 Online Greetings
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