September 22, 2021 to October 20, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Dear Colleagues,

we are glad to announce that a special online edition of the International Symposium on Nuclear Symmetry Energy (NuSym 2021) will be held on
September 23-25 and on October 13–15, 2021.

The symposium will address experimental and theoretical investigations of the equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter. Such investigations include efforts in nuclear structure, nuclear reactions and heavy-ion collisions, as well as in astrophysical observations of compact stars and associated phenomena (neutron stars and core collapse supernovae, among others). Significant implications of gravitational wave signals, soft X-ray (detected by NICER), astro-particle physics and neutrino observations will be discussed. Students and postdocs are especially encouraged to participate.

In order to allow colleagues from different timezones to participate in the conference, the meeting will be organized into the following 6 online sessions, held on different days, each starting at 2pm and ending at 4pm (Europe/Rome timezone):

Session 1, on September 22th, 2021 - 2pm-4pm
"Symmetry energy constraints from nuclear structure studies”

Session 2, on September 23th, 2021 - 2pm-4pm
"Symmetry energy constraints from astrophysics and many-body calculations”

Session 3, on September 24th, 2021 - 2pm-4pm
"Theoretical developments and new analysis techniques”

Session 4, on October 13th, 2021 - 2pm-4pm
"Constraints from HIC 1 – Theory and Experiments (Fermi/Intermediate Energies)”

Session 5, on October 14th, 2021 - 2pm-4pm
"Constraints from HIC 2 – Theory and Experiments (Relativistic Energies)”

Session 6, on October 15th, 2021 - 2pm-4pm
"New directions in symmetry energy studies”

Each session will consist of three invited oral presentations, namely:
- One review talk on the main theme of the session (30 minutes + 10 minutes question time)
- Two talks focused on specific topics related to the theme of the session (20 minutes + 5 minutes question time)
- One open discussion on the presented results and ideas (30 minutes)

To foster the participation of students, postdocs and young researchers, poster submission is possible on the conference website.
The posters will be available to be viewed with the GatherTown online application and the International Advisory Committee will select
the best posters for oral flash-talks.

We welcome your participation and we would appreciate if you could spread this information
among those who might be interested in the conference.

The web site of the conference can be found at, where registration is open.

A zoom link will be sent to all registered participants a few days before the beginning of the meeting.

For any information, please contact us at the following email

Registration for this event is currently open.