2:50 PM
Asymmetric Nuclear Matter in Relativistic ab initio Theory in the Full Dirac Space
S. Wang
(School of Physics, Chongqing University, China)
2:53 PM
Theoretical uncertainties on the extraction of in-medium NN cross sections by different Pauli blocking algorithms
X. Chen
(China Institute of Atomic Energy, China)
2:56 PM
Nuclear symmetry energy in relativistic meanfield model constrained by collective excitations
T. Oishi
(University of Zagreb, Croatia)
2:59 PM
Influence of the treatment of initialization and mean-field potential on the neutron to proton yield ratios
J. Yang
(China Institute of Atomic Energy, China)
3:02 PM
Effect of charge asymmetry on nuclear fragmentation at 600 MeV/nucleon
N. K. Dhillon
(Department of Physics, Panjab University, India)
3:05 PM
Quark condensate and chiral symmetry restoration in neutron stars
H.-M. Jin
(Zhengzhou University, China)
3:08 PM
Study on the isospin asymmetric nuclear and in-medium pion production
Y. Cui
(China Institute of Atomic Energy, China)
3:11 PM
Two Neutron Separation Energies in Neutron Rich Nuclei Near Drip Line
M. Imran
(Aligarh Muslim University, India)