Poster Session 1
Beatrice Panico
(Universita' Roma Tor Vergata - INFN Roma Tor Vergata)
25/05/2011, 18:30
The observation of Extensive Air Showers with zenith angle greater than 80 deg with the ARGO-YBJ experiment is described. The measurement of the size spectrum, angular (zenithal and azimuthal) and time distributions of horizontal events is reported.
A description of their space-time topological phenomenology is also provided.
Daniele Fargion
25/05/2011, 18:30
At twenty GeV upward atmospheric neutrino are suppressed (above a factor ten) offering a quite energy windows to look for upward galactic and extragalactic neutrino sources.
We did estimated the present Deep Core and possibly future Pingu neutrino detectors spectra for atmospheric background in the tens GeV range taking care of known flavor (muon-tau) mixing signature and eventual...
Matthias Beilicke
(Washington University in St.Louis)
25/05/2011, 18:30
X-ray polarimetry promises to give qualitatively new information about high-energy sources, such as binary black hole systems, rotation and accretion powered neutron stars, Microquasars, Active Galactic Nuclei and Gamma-Ray Bursts. Furthermore, hard X-ray polarimetric observations of galactic sources can place uniquely sensitive constrains on Lorentz Invariance violations. We designed, built...
Cristina Sbarra
(INFN-PD & Bologna University)
25/05/2011, 18:30
We present the results of the analysis of Markarian 180 (1ES 1133+704), a BL Lac object embedded in a giant elliptical galaxy, obtained for a period of 45 days, during which multiwavelenght observations were on going. The Mrk 180 is associated to a quasar- like object whose distance can be determined unambiguously, thanks to the well done measurement of absorption line that gives the redshift...
Anatoly Petrukhin
25/05/2011, 18:30
Possibilities of observation of new particles or states of matter in cosmic ray experiments at very high energies (above 1015 eV) always gave rise to doubts, especially among accelerator physicists. Nevertheless, attempts of explanation of various unusual phenomena detected in cosmic rays periodically appear. The first of them was an explanation of the knee appearance due to hadron interaction...
Francesco Giordano
25/05/2011, 18:30
Fermi-LAT has recently detected a new class of of GeV emitters: Young SNRs. A review of Tycho, VelaJr, RXJ1713 and CasA will be given hilighlithing possible interpretation of the observed spectrum as emitted by hadrons accelereted in the SNR sites. Differences with older SNR mostly interacting with Molecular Clouds will be also discussed.