N. Sasao
(Okayama University)
We present some preliminary results of our experiment which aims to prove the principle of the “macro-coherent amplification mechanism”, a new amplification mechanism which exploits coherence of particles involved in de-excitation processes.
When this mechanism is in operation, decay rates, such as emission of neutrino-pair and photon from excited atoms, become proportional to N2 (not to N), where N is the number of excited atoms in a coherent volume. Unlike Dicke’s super-radiance, which is also a coherent phenomenon (and thus ∝ N2), its coherence volume can be made macroscopic when a certain phase matching condition is satisfied among the outgoing particles.
Our ultimate goal is to use this mechanism for investigating neutrino properties: determination of the absolute mass scale, Dirac/Majorana distinction, and measurement of Majorana phases, among others.