6–13 Jul 2022
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

New BSM Physics at the LHeC and FCC-he

9 Jul 2022, 17:30
Room 10 (Magenta B)

Room 10 (Magenta B)

Parallel Talk Beyond the Standard Model Beyond the Standard Model


Oliver Fischer (University of Liverpool)


The LHeC and the FCC-he offer fascinating, unique possibilities for discovering BSM physics in DIS, both due to their large centre-of-mass energies and high luminosities. In this talk we will show the prospects for observing extensions of the Higgs sectors both with charged and neutral scalars, anomalous Higgs couplings and exotic decays. Then we will discuss searches for R-parity conserving and violating supersymmetry both with prompt and long-lived particles, and of feeble interacting particles like sterile neutrinos, fermion triplets, dark photons and axion-like particles. Finally we will address anomalous couplings and searches for heavy resonances like leptoquarks and vector-like quarks, excited fermions and colour-octet leptons.
Reference: P. Agostini et al. (LHeC Study Group), The Large Hadron-Electron Collider at the HL-LHC, J. Phys. G 48 (2021) 11, 110501, e-Print: 2007.14491 [hep-ex].

In-person participation No

Primary authors

Néstor Armesto (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) Oliver Fischer (University of Liverpool)

Presentation materials