Gregory Patellis
(National Technical University of Athens)
A supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model is presented, that results from the dimensional reduction of the $N=1$, $10D$ $E_8$ gauge group over a $M_4\times B_0/Z_3$ space, where $B_0$ is the nearly-Kaehler manifold $SU(3)/U(1)\times U(1)$ and $Z_3$ is a freely acting discrete group on $B_0$. The $4D$ theory -after the dimensional reduction and Wilson flux breaking- is an $N=1$ trinification with two $U(1)$s. Below the unification scale the surviving theory is a split-like supersymmetric version of the Standard Model with two global $U(1)$s. At the TeV region we have a NMSSM-like model with promising phenomenology. The talk will be based on our work Phys.Lett.B 813 (2021) 136031, 2009.07059 [hep-ph] and an ongoing 2-loop analysis.
In-person participation | No |
Primary authors
George Manolakos
(National Technical University of Athens)
Gregory Patellis
(National Technical University of Athens)
Zoupanos George
(Nat. Technical University, Athens, Greece)