6–13 Jul 2022
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Automated NLO SM corrections for all colliders

8 Jul 2022, 19:05
1h 25m
Bologna, Italy

Bologna, Italy

Palazzo della Cultura e dei Congressi
Poster Top quark and EW Physics Poster Session


Pia Bredt (DESY)


We summarize the status of automated NLO SM corrections for hadron and lepton collider processes in the multi-purpose event generator WHIZARD. The focus will be on NLO EW and QCD-EW mixed corrections at the LHC. Also, recent progress on the inclusion of EW corrections in future lepton collider processes and on the POWHEG-matched event generation in the NLO automated setup will be discussed.

In-person participation No

Primary authors

Presentation materials