6–13 Jul 2022
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Heavy flavor physics at FCC-ee

9 Jul 2022, 18:08
Room 9 (Indaco)

Room 9 (Indaco)

Parallel Talk Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics


Xunwu Zuo (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)


The abundant production of beauty and charm hadrons in the $5\cdot 10^{12}$ Z boson decays expected at FCC-ee offers outstanding opportunities in flavour physics that exceed those available at Belle II by a factor of twenty, and are complementary to the LHC heavy-flavour programme. A wide range of measurements will be possible in heavy-flavour spectroscopy, rare decays of heavy-flavoured particles and CP-violation studies, which will benefit from the low-background experimental environment, the high Lorentz boost, and the availability of the full spectrum of hadron species. The huge data samples of the Tera-Z phase opens also the possibility of much improved determinations of  tau-lepton properties -- lifetime, leptonic and hadronic widths, and mass -- allowing for important tests of lepton universality. In addition, via the measurement of the tau polarisation, FCC-ee can access a precise determination of the neutral-current couplings of electrons and taus. These measurements present strong experimental challenges to match as far as possible statistical uncertainties, $O(10^{-5})$, raising strict detector requirements. This contribution will present an overview of the broad potential of the FCC-ee flavor physics program and also some preliminary results from recent analyses.

In-person participation Yes

Primary author

Xunwu Zuo (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Presentation materials