6–13 Jul 2022
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Crowdfunding your outreach

9 Jul 2022, 17:00
Room 3 (Verde)

Room 3 (Verde)

Parallel Talk Education and Outreach Education and Outreach


Mikhail Stolpovskiy (University of Geneva)


In recent years, crowdfunding platforms have gained popularity as a way to raise funds for various endeavors. This talk discusses the use of crowdfunding as a non-traditional way to finance physics outreach projects. Such tools can provide much needed flexibility to projects and serve as a platform to spread the word about your project. The talk is based on first-hand experience using such tools and includes a discussion of important advise and common pitfalls.

In-person participation Yes

Primary authors

Dr Jason Veatch (CERN) Mikhail Stolpovskiy (University of Geneva)

Presentation materials