Jul 6 – 13, 2022
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

ALICE in public outreach and in bricks

Jul 8, 2022, 12:35 PM
Room 3 (Verde)

Room 3 (Verde)

Parallel Talk Education and Outreach Education and Outreach


Christian Klein-Bösing (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)


In the last two years various existing public outreach activities in ALICE have been adapted for use in an online format, this includes e.g. the well established particle physics masterclasses but also virtual visits to ALICE. In this context an online workshop took place in 2021 with the goal to design a LEGO model of the ALICE detector in minifigure scale (ca. 1:40) and to motivate young people for a long term online collaboration in a particle physics project. The design stage of the model took six months with regular online design sessions accompanied by input on 3D construction, detector technology, the physics questions of ALICE, virtual ALICE visits, and particle physics masterclasses. This stage provided first hand experience on the dynamics of working on different sub-projects in a research collaboration and resulted in a model with more than 16 000 parts that was assembled by the participants in one weekend of an in-person workshop. The experience gained during this real construction has been used further by the young designers for optimisation of the model. The full ALICE model instructions will be released soon for use in further workshops and exhibits. It provides an ideal addition accompanied to the various existing modules for public outreach in ALICE and provided in the framework of the International Particle Physics Outreach Group.

In-person participation Yes

Primary author

Presentation materials