Jul 6 – 13, 2022
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

D&I Evolution at CERN since Higgs boson

Jul 9, 2022, 2:40 PM
Room 7 (Gialla)

Room 7 (Gialla)

Parallel Talk Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Equality, Diversity and Inclusion


Louise Carvalho


The discovery of the Higgs boson at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider 10 years ago was a watershed moment in the evolution and precision of the Standard Model. ICHEP, and the high energy physics global community, celebrate this anniversary by charting the measurable impact on HEP research and related experiments over the past decade.

2022 also marks 10 years since CERN established its first Diversity & Inclusion (“D&I”) Programme. As an international organisation, CERN strives to reflect the diverse populations of its Member States and the diverse communities the Laboratory’s science serves. To this end, CERN’s many D&I-related actions and policy development since 2012 have enhanced the working conditions and the diversity of its ~4000 employed members of personnel. Moreover, efforts to increase awareness of CERN’s diversity value contribute to a conducive and collaborative work environment for its ~12,000 visiting scientists. Nevertheless, some D&I initiatives, notably to increase women in STEM, remain a work in progress.

This talk will chart the progress and the challenges of embedding a culture of Diversity and Inclusion in big science. It will overview the highlights of the D&I Programme's activities, including the appointment of the first D&I Programme Leader in 2011, the implementation of significant diversity-related measures in 2015, and in 2020 the endorsement by Senior Management of CERNs first gender-based target.

In-person participation Yes

Primary author

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