06–13 lug 2022
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Minimal Consistent Dark Matter Models for systematic Dark Matter exploration

7 lug 2022, 11:15
Room 11 (Magenta A)

Room 11 (Magenta A)

Parallel Talk Dark Matter Dark Matter


Alexander Belyaev (University of Southampton)


The nature of Dark Matter (DM) is one of the greatest puzzles of modern particle physics and cosmology. Dark Matter characterisation requires systematic and consistent approach for DM theory space. We propose a first complete classification of minimal consistent Dark Matter models, which provides the missing link between experiments and top-down models. Consistency is achieved by imposing renormalisability and invariance under the full Standard Model symmetries. We apply this paradigm to fermionic Dark multiplets with up to one mediator. Our work highlights the presence of unexplored viable models, and paves the way for the ultimate systematic hunt for the Dark Matter particle. Based on e-Print: 2203.03660

In-person participation Yes

Autori principali

Alexander Belyaev (University of Southampton) Dr. Alexander Pukhov Dr. Daniel Locke (University of Southampton) Giacomo Cacciapaglia (IPNL)

Materiali di presentazione