Jul 6 – 13, 2022
Bologna, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

The strong coupling at the tau mass scale from a new vector isovector spectral function

Jul 7, 2022, 3:50 PM
Room 1 (Europa Auditorium)

Room 1 (Europa Auditorium)

Parallel Talk Strong interactions and Hadron Physics Strong interactions and Hadron Physics


Diogo Boito (University of Sao Paulo)


We will present results for a new, high precision, extraction of the strong coupling, $\alpha_s$, at the tau mass scale based on a more precise, non-strange, inclusive vector isovector spectral function. The new spectral function is obtained from a combination of (i) ALEPH and OPAL results for the $2\pi$ pion and $4\pi$ pion tau decay channels, (ii) recent BaBar results for the $\tau \to K^- K^0 \nu_\tau$ decay distribution, and (iii) subleading contributions from other hadronic tau decay modes obtained, using CVC, from recent electroproduction data. This new inclusive spectral function has smaller uncertainties and is entirely data-based, with no need for Monte Carlo estimates for the contribution of any exclusive mode.

In-person participation Yes

Primary authors

Diogo Boito (University of Sao Paulo) Kim Maltman (York University) Maarten Golterman (San Francisco State University) Marcus V. Rodrigues (DESY - Hamburg) Wilder Schaaf (University of Washington) santi peris (dept. of physics, univ. autonoma de barcelona)

Presentation materials