Sep 7 – 9, 2021
Urbino/Palazzo Battiferri
Europe/Rome timezone

New directions for quantum field theory in curved spacetime

Sep 8, 2021, 12:00 PM
Urbino/Palazzo Battiferri

Urbino/Palazzo Battiferri

Via Aurelio Saffi, 42, 61029 Urbino PU
Gravity theory Beyond Einstein's Gravity


Vincenzo Vitagliano (University of Genova)


Spontaneous symmetry breaking is a transversal concept in modern physics, being pivotal for our understanding of mass generation in particle physics, topological defects formation in cosmology and the appearance of condensed phases of matter. I will discuss some recent results about the way symmetry breaking occurs for systems embedded in a curved background, when curvature acts as an effective mass that, depending on the sign, enhances or suppresses the mechanism responsible for phase transitions.

Primary author

Vincenzo Vitagliano (University of Genova)

Presentation materials