The Italian Society of General Relativity and Gravitation announces the XXIV SIGRAV Conference, to be held in Urbino (Marche region, Italy) from 7 to 9 September 2021. The conference is hosted by the Urbino University Carlo Bo in the beautiful setting of Palazzo Battiferri, located in the historic centre of the town, an UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The aim of the conference is to discuss aspects of Classical and Quantum Gravity, including General Relativity tests, Cosmology, Gravity experiments and Gravitational Waves from the experimental, theoretical and data analysis point of views. The ceremony of the Amaldi medal and that of the SIGRAV award for young scientists will be held during the conference.
The partecipation in presence will be possible only with the Green Pass.
It will be possible to participate also online.
The scientific program will be finalised in the upcoming days. The Local and Scientific Organising Committees are looking forward to welcoming you in Urbino.