Recorded talks: Experience From Current Detectors: Current Detectors Talk Index
Advanced Virgo end benches were a significant source of scattered light noise during the third observing run. We describe how that noise could be subtracted using auxiliary channels during the online strain data reconstruction. We model in detail the scattered light noise coupling and demonstrate that further noise subtraction can be achieved. We also show that the fitted model parameters can...
The Japanese gravitational wave detector KAGRA is unique since it is the only one, so far, which operates its main mirror at cryogenic temperature in order to reduce their thermal noise. To achieve good performances at such temperature, the chosen material for the mirror bulk is sapphire. After the successful finalization of the construction phase of KAGRA, during the commissioning phase, an...
The observation of gravitational waves is highly influenced by the detectors sensitivity, that is limited at low frequencies (10 -100 Hz) by the thermal noise. For this reason, the monolithic suspensions are one of the most important upgrades of the interferometric detectors including Advanced Ligo (aLigo) and Advanced Virgo (AdV). The target sensitivity for the new updates of Advanced Virgo...
The target sensitivity of Advanced Virgo for O4 is about 90-120 Mpc for the BNS range. To achieve this, several hardware upgrades are under process. One of the most relevant concerns the installation of the Signal Recycling Mirror. I will describe the procedure followed for locking the Dual Recycled Michelson Interferometer along with the tuning of CO_2 central heating, which assists the lock...