17–21 May 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Efforts to Mitigate the Effects of Stray Light in the LISA Telescope

19 May 2021, 06:00


talk Scattered light workshop Scattered light workshop


Corey Austin (NASA)


The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) was selected to be the third large mission of the European Space Agency’s Cosmic Vision program. LISA, a space-based gravitational wave observatory, will detect gravitational waves in the frequency band extending from 0.1 mHz to 0.1 Hz by measuring picometer-scale length changes along the 2.5 Gm arms of a triangular constellation of satellites. Optical telescopes onboard each spacecraft will simultaneously transmit light to and receive light from the other two spacecraft. Stray light in the LISA telescopes has the potential to be a limiting noise source if not properly accounted for. The following discussion reviews the current state of stray light modeling and plans for mitigating stray light.

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