17–21 mag 2021
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Requirements computation for the Low Frequency third generation gravitational wave detector

20 mag 2021, 00:10


talk Low frequency workshop Low frequency workshop


Julia Casanueva Diaz (EGO)


The third generation GW detectors has to provide an unprecedented sensitivity, this requires a careful study on all the intereferometer defects that could spoil its performance. For this reason in order to face this challenge, one of the starting points is to establish the RMS requirements that will allow reaching the target sensitivity. This work is focused on the requirements referring to Longitudinal and Angular controls. The evaluation of the requirement for the sensing and control of the interferometer will lead to set requirements into other areas of the detector as frequency noise, actuation noise, mirror displacement noise, etc.
Here the status of the modeling of the requirements and the foreseen actions will be presented.

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