17–21 May 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Studies of coating absorption for future detectors

20 May 2021, 16:15


poster Coating thermal noise workshop Poster session 2


Mr Graeme McGhee (University of Glasgow) Ross Johnston


As improvements to the current gravitational wave detector network are implemented, and as new detectors are added to the network, any new mirror coating designs must overcome the twofold challenge of producing sufficiently lower thermal noise perfomance, as well as maintaining a low level of optical absorption. Here we present an update on our research into characterizing the room temperature optical absorption of different mirror coatings; including a novel design multimaterial coating stack containing $\rm SiO_2/Ta_2O_5/aSi$ films deposited via ion plated deosition, as well as our work measuring $\rm TiO_2:GeO_2$ coatings of various doping concentrations. Photothermal common path interferometry was used to measure the absorption of coatings in their as deposited state, and through various stages of heat treatment up to 600$, ^{O}C$. The nuances of direct-to-temperature heat treatment versus progressive heat treatment through intermediate steps were also studied for the multimaterial coating design, with some interesting results being obtained, seemingly showing a significant reduction in the performance of $\rm Ta_2O_5$ layers at 2000,nm in response to the progressive anneal.

Primary authors

Iain Martin (University of Glasgow) Jessica Steinlechner (Maastricht University) Mr Graeme McGhee (University of Glasgow) Ross Johnston James Hough (University of Glasgow) Sheila Rowan (University of Glasgow) Maya Kinley-Hanlon (University of Glasgow) Dr Caspar Clark (Helia Photonics Ltd) Nena Mavridi (Helia Photonics Ltd) Peter Murray (SUPA University of Glasgow)

Presentation materials