17–21 mag 2021
Europe/Rome fuso orario

Call for abstract

  • Giorno di apertura
  • Scadenza invio candidature

For GWADW 2021 the organizers have foreseen prerecorded talks with questions and answers during the plenary sessions. The talks should be made available by Monday May 10th, together with one advertising slide to be used in the plenary sessions of Monday May 17th and Tuesday 18th.

A poster session is scheduled for the plenary session of Wednesday 19th and possibly on Thursday 20th. Posters have to be in pdf format.

Contributors are invited to submit a title and an abstract to be included in a booklet to guide participants within gather.town, indicating the preferred session.

Abstract registration deadline is Sunday, May 2nd [GMT+12].

La call for abstract è chiusa.