14–19 giu 2010
Palazzo Palmieri - Martignano, Grecìa Salentina (Lecce, Italy)
Europe/Rome fuso orario
4th Summer School on THE PHYSICS OF LHC - Martignano, Grecìa Salentina (Lecce, Italy), June 14-19, 2010

Programma scientifico

  • Lecture topics:

  • Theory

    • QCD and Monte Carlo tools for the LHC
    • EWSB, Higgs and New Physics at the LHC
    • Flavour Physics
    • Heavy Ion Physics
  • Experiment

    • The LHC accelerator: current performance and prospects
    • Trigger commissioning
    • Calibration and alignment: tracking, particle id, muons, calorimetry
    • Data analysis and distributed computing
    • Results of preliminary analyses of the LHC experiments