Sep 13 – 18, 2010
Lecce, Università del Salento
Europe/Rome timezone
The 4th UniverseNet Annual School - Lecce, 13-18 September 2010


UniverseNet  (contract n. MRTN-CT-2006-035863 ) is a Marie Curie Research & Training network supported by the European Community's Sixth Framework Programme. This network brings together the  major European theoretical physics groups  whose research involve cosmology and its relationship with fundamental physics. The annual UniverseNet Schools provide training for both postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers. After the successful past schools at  Mytilene (2007)Oxford (2008)  and  Barcelona (2009), the 4th school will be held at the  Officine Cantelmo  in Lecce, Italy  from 13 to 18 September 2010 . 

There will be pedagogical lectures  in the mornings by invited experts on Monday through Friday, while in the afternoons there will be short talks on current research topics by the participants (to be selected from the Abstracts offered). On Saturday morning there will be the annual meeting of UniverseNet which all  network members are expected to attend. An excursion is planned on Wednesday afternoon. 

All members of UniverseNet  may participate with support to be provided by their respective teams - please apply to your Scientist-in-Charge to arrange this and then fill in the registration form and send the accommodation request to the Hotel. We also welcome all other researchers who wish to attend the school, 
however we reserve the right to decline applications for operational reasons. Graduate students (who do not belong to UniverseNet) must ask their research supervisors to email a brief letter of support to

Please note that no support is available for non-network participants - the accomodation at the Grand Hotel Tiziano is at a discounted rate and there is no registration fee. A nominal charge of 30€ will be made for the social event (excursion and dinner on Wednesday) to be collected on arrival.

Dates for School: Monday 13th September 2010, 09:00 to Friday 17th September 2010, 18:00 
Location: Officine Cantelmo, Università del Salento, Via Michele De Pietro, 12 I-73100 Lecce

Deadline for registration: 31 July 2010
Deadline for booking discounted accomodation: 31 May 2010