Feb 18 – 26, 2021
Europe/Rome timezone

Recent results from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory experiment

Feb 19, 2021, 5:30 PM
Room 2 (https://unipd.link/NeuTel-ParallelRoom2)

Room 2


Parallel Contributed Talk Neutrino Telescopes and Multimessenger Low Energy Neutrinos


Andrew Mastbaum (Rutgers University)


The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory experiment (SNO) has performed a variety of measurements of neutrino and cosmic ray interactions, including the first observation of solar neutrino flavor change that confirmed that neutrinos have mass. Several new analyses using the SNO dataset collected between 1999 and 2006 have recently been completed, including tests of Lorentz invariance, constraints on neutrino lifetime, measurements of atmospheric neutrino– and muon-induced neutron production, and searches for $hep$ solar neutrinos and the diffuse supernova neutrino background (DSNB). We will discuss these results with an emphasis on the most recent $hep$ and DSNB analysis, and comment on ongoing work.

Collaboration name SNO

Primary author

Andrew Mastbaum (Rutgers University)

Presentation materials