Erice International School of Scientific Journalism and Communication

Erice, Sicily, Italy

Erice, Sicily, Italy

Barbara GALLAVOTTI, Enzo IAROCCI (Universita' di Roma "Sapienza")
2nd Course: Frontier Science for Health
  • Adriana Nave
  • Alberto Giagnoli
  • Barbara Gallavotti
  • Carlo Volpe
  • Caterina Ferrara
  • Daniela Ovadia
  • Dario Pisignano
  • Edgar Weckert
  • Ela Bauer
  • Elias Hawila
  • Elisa Manacorda
  • Enzo Iarocci
  • Fabio Di Giulio
  • Fabio Turone
  • Federico Pedrocchi
  • Floriana Marin
  • Francesca Casarin Calenda
  • Fred Balvert
  • Gabriele Beccaria
  • Giacomo Cuttone
  • hassan al-lawati
  • Ingo Peter
  • Ingy Hafez
  • James Gillies
  • Julia-Anna Photopoulos
  • Laura Castellani
  • Laura Corcuera
  • Laura Vargas-Parada
  • Luigi Palumbo
  • Maddalena Vario
  • Maissa Azab
  • Manjit Dosanjh
  • Maria Rita Ferrazza
  • Mariachiara Albicocco
  • Nadia El-Awady
  • Nadia Marchant
  • nawwar almaghout
  • Neil Bennett
  • Pantaleo Raimondi
  • Paola Rodari
  • Patrizio Antici
  • Reanne van Kleef
  • roberto orecchia
  • Sergio Bertolucci
  • Simone Mura
  • stefania catullo
  • Stefania Fornara
  • Tal Berman
  • Thomas Haberer
  • Valentina Di Sarno
  • Valentina Ferretti
  • Young-Kee Kim
    • 1
    • 2
      Reporting Science in a New Media World
      Relatore: Nadia El-Awady (World Federation of Science Journalists)
    • 3
      Light-Ion Therapy: a Worldwide Vision
      Relatore: Thomas HABERER (HIT Heidelberg)
    • 11:00
      coffee break
    • 4
      The Fear Factor: Dealing with Risk Communication between Alarmist Headlines and Confident Declarations
      Relatore: Sig. Fabio Turone (Agency Zoe of Science Journalism)
    • 5
      Frontier Nanotechnologies for and by Life Sciences
      Relatore: Dr. Dario Pisignano (Università del Salento and National Nanotechnology Laboratory CNR-Istituto Nanoscienze)
    • 13:00
      Lunch break
    • 6
      Communicating Current Research in Museums and Science Centres (working session)
      Relatore: Sig.ra Paola Rodari (SISSA Medialab)
    • 7
      Advanced X-Ray Light Sources for Frontier Life Science Research
      Relatore: Prof. Edgar Weckert (DESY)
    • 8
      Explaining the Latest Achievements in Cancer Research and Therapy: between Hype and Hope
      Relatore: Sig.ra Daniela Ovadia (Agenzia Zoe, Milano)
    • 11:00
      coffee break
    • 9
      Neuroscience through Headline: Social and Ethical Issues in Communicating Brain Research
      Relatore: Sig.ra Daniela Ovadia (Agenzia Zoe, Milano)
    • 10
      Angels, Demons and Black Holes - Threat or Opportunity. Experience from CERN through the Start-up of the LHC
      Relatore: Dr. James Gillies (CERN)
    • 13:00
      Lunch break
    • 11
      Creating a Radio Broadcast (NO SLIDES presented - working session)
      Relatori: Prof. Federico Pedrocchi (Radio 24 - il Sole 24 ore), Dr. Mariachiara Albicocco (Radio 24 - il Sole 24 ore)
    • 12
      Welcome in The Nanoworld (screening of a documentary movie)
    • 13
      New Particle Imaging Methods for Advanced Medical Diagnostics
      Relatore: Giacomo Maurizio Cuttone (LNS)
    • 14
      From "M.A.S.H." to "E.R."; the Contribution of Medical TV Series to Public Understanding of Medical Issues
      Relatore: Dr. Ela Bauer (Seminar Ha-kibbutizm Collage Tel Aviv)
    • 15
      ELI: a Vision towards Table-top Hadron Beams
      Relatore: Luigi Palumbo (LNF)
    • 11:15
      coffee break
    • 16
      From The Anatomy Theatre in Padua to Body Worlds-500 years of public anatomy, innovation and Ethical Issues
      Relatore: Dr. Tal Berman (The Israel National Museum of Science, Technology & Space)
    • 12:25
      Lunch break
    • 17
      How to handle the Media: Maximizing the Opportunity and Minimizing Risk (working session)
      Relatori: Sig.ra Nadia Marchant (iOpener UK), Sig. Neil Bennett (iOpener)
    • 18
      Science Cafè
    • 19
      Hadron Therapy in Clinical Perspective
      Relatore: Prof. roberto orecchia (european institute of oncology)
    • 20
      Communication for the Large Scale Science Lab GSI at Darmstadt/Germany: the example of Tumore Therapy with Heavy Ions
      Relatore: Dr. Ingo Peter (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung)
    • 11:00
      coffee break
    • 21
      Science in Newspapers
      Relatore: gabriele beccaria
    • 22
      Science is our Nature-Science Demonstrations and Shows as a way to Explain Science Phenomena in Science Museums (NO SLIDES presented - working session)
      Relatore: Dr. Tal Berman (The Israel National Museum of Science, Technology & Space)
    • 13:00
      Lunch break
    • 23
      Inconvenient Messages Concering the Practice of Biomedical Science, or the Importance of Being Honest
      Relatore: Sig. Fred Balvert (Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam)
    • 24
      e-Health: Bridging the Gap
      Relatore: Prof. Manjit Dosanjh (CERN)
    • 16:00
      coffee break
    • 25
      The World Race for Nano-Beams
      Relatore: Pantaleo Raimondi (LNF)
    • 26
      How Bad Science Communication can Affect a Country: the Case of H1N1 in Egypt
      Relatore: Maissa Azab (Bibliotheca Alexandrina)
    • 21:00
      social dinner
    • 27
      The Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory: How Frontier Physics meets Health Sciences
      Relatore: Young-Kee KIM
    • 28
      e-Health: Opportunities and Challenges of a Paradigmatic Convergence Field
      Relatore: Sergio Bertolucci (LNF)
    • 11:00
      coffee break
    • 29
      Dealing with an Interview (NO SLIDES presented - reverse session)
      Relatore: Dr. Elisa Manacorda (Galileo. Giornale di scienza)
    • 30
      Closing Remarks