22–28 May 2022
La Biodola - Isola d'Elba (Italy)
Europe/Rome timezone
submission of the proceedings for the PM2021 has been postponed to July 31, 2022

The surface Resistive Plate Counter: a novel RPC based on MPGD technologies

27 May 2022, 08:30


Dr Giovanni Bencivenni (LNF)


The Surface Resistive Plate Counter (sRPC) is a novel RPC based on surface resistivity electrodes, a completely different concept with respect to traditional RPCs that use electrodes characterized by volume resistivity (phenolic-resin or float-glass).
The electrodes of the sRPC exploits the well-established industrial Diamond-Like-Carbon (DLC) sputtering technology on thin (50 µm) polyimide foils, already introduced in the manufacturing of the resistive MPGDs such us micro-RWELL. The DLC foil is then glued on a 2 mm thick glass, characterized by excellent planarity. With this scalable and cost-effective DLC technology it should be possible to realize large area (up to 2x0.5 m2) electrodes with a resistivity spanning over several orders of magnitude (0.01÷10 GOhm/square).
Different sRPC layouts have been tested: symmetric, with both electrodes made of DLC foils, and hybrid, with one electrode made of DLC and the other made of float-glass. With these layouts we measured an efficiency of 95-97% and a time resolution of 1ns. Performance that are quite standard for 2 mm gas gap RPCs.
In addition, exploiting the concept of the high density current evacuation scheme, already introduced for the micro-RWELL, we realized the first prototypes of high-rate electrodes by screen printing a conductive grid onto the DLC film.
With this high-rate layout, with 7 GOhm/square DLC resistivity and 10 mm grounding-pitch, we measured a rate capability of about 1 kHz/cm2 with X-ray, corresponding to about 3 kHz/cm2 with mip. By lowering the DLC resistivity and optimizing the current evacuation scheme, rate capabilities largely exceeding the barrier of the 10 kHz/cm2 seems to be easily achievable.
The sRPC, based on innovative technologies, open the way towards cost-effective high-performance muon devices for applications in large HEP experiments for the future generation of high luminosity colliders.

Primary authors

Gianfranco Morello (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Dr Giovanni Bencivenni (LNF) Giulietto Felici (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Giuseppe Papalino (LNF) Marco Poli Lener (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Matteo Giovannetti (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Maurizio Gatta (LNF) Rui De Oliveira (CERN)

Presentation materials