Jun 6 – 17, 2022
Europe/Rome timezone


Dark Pollica

One of the most profound mysteries facing fundamental physics is to understand and detect dark matter. This is a particularly exciting time to study the physics of dark matter as there is an established experimental/observation program either continuing or coming online in the near future. These include experiments, such as DarkSide, searching for WIMPs reach unprecedented sensitivities, flagship projects of multiple funding agencies, such as a suite of second- and third- generation dark matter direct detection experiments, the Advanced LIGO gravitational wave detector, CMB Stage-4 satellite, and the GAIA/LSST/James Webb space observatories. Meanwhile, the fundamental physics community is looking forward to explore a wide range of alternative ideas for what dark matter could be and how it can be detected. 

The first Pollica Summer Workshop on Dark Matter aims to bring together the world’s leading experts, both from theory and experiment, working on a broad range of ideas, existing and proposed experiments. This workshop, which will take place in the beautiful setting of the medieval town of Pollica in the Cilento region is an opportunity to galvanize theoretical efforts in a period where new experiments come online and the particle physics community must think broadly about new frontiers ahead. This is an exciting time to connect fundamental physics to the upcoming experimental landscape. The workshop is scheduled for the dates of 6-17 June 2022 and will be hosted in the 14th century Castello Dei Principi Capano. 

This is the third edition of the Pollica Summer Workshop. The first two editions, partially supported by the INFN, focused on mathematical physics, in particular formal aspects of quantum field theory and have been a remarkable success.

Special Events

  • Tuesday, 7 June and Tuesday, 14 June: group dinner
  • Thursday, 9 June and Thursday, 16 June: excursion
  • Saturday, 11 June: movie screening
  • Sunday, 12 June: local outreach