6–17 Jun 2022
Europe/Rome timezone

Dark Pollica

One of the most profound mysteries facing fundamental physics is to understand and detect dark matter. This is a very exciting time to be working on the physics of dark matter: as experiments searching for WIMPs reach unprecedented sensitivities, new experimental and theoretical explore a wide range of alternative ideas for what dark matter could be and how it can be detected.

The first Pollica Summer Workshop on Dark Matter aims to bring together leading experts, both from theory and experiment, working on a broad range of ideas, existing and proposed experiments, in the beautiful setting of the medieval town of Pollica in Southwestern Italy (Cilento region). The workshop is scheduled for the dates of 6-17 June 2022.

A poster for the event can be found here.

Location: The workshop will take place in Castello dei Principi Capano, see the map for also nearby restaurant suggestions.

Shuttle Information

See shuttle schedule here. Times marked with an asterisk (*) must be reserved in advance by texting (WhatsApp or SMS) one of the drivers.

  • Pollica shuttle stop: post office
  • Acciarolli shuttle stop: church


Recorded Talks

Our recorded talks are available at this YouTube playlist.

Scientific and organizing committee:
Giuliana Fiorillo (Physics dep. UNINA & INFN Napoli),
Can Kilic (UT Austin),
Mario Martone (King's College London),
Simona Murgia (UC Irvine),
Tim M. P. Tait (UC Irvine),
Flip Tanedo (UC Riverside)
Mauro Valli (Stony Brook).

Local Organizing committee:
Daniele De Gruttola (Physis dep. UNISA, INFN Salerno)
Salvatore De Pasquale (Physis dep. UNISA, INFN Salerno)
Gianfranca De Rosa (Physics dep. UNINA, INFN Napoli)
Stefano Morisi (Physics dep. UNINA, INFN Napoli)

Sponsored by:

Comune di PollicaUniversity of Napoli
