Over the last few years a triangular equivalence relation was discovered connecting three apparently different topics: asymptotic symmetries, soft theorems and memory effects. This equivalence relation can be drawn potentially in every theory with a massless particle, for example in QED, QCD, SUSY, gravity and string theory.
I will review the triangular equivalence in the context of gravity...
A pillar of the ALICE upgrade program is the improvement of the Inner Tracking System (ITS2)
performance by the replacement of its three innermost layers during the next/third long shutdown of
the LHC (LS3) . The proposal is based on a vertex detector consisting of three cylindrical layers
composed by curved wafer-scale silicon sensors. The new detector will present a significant
Bubble nucleation is a key ingredient in a cosmological first order phase transition. The non-equilibrium bubble dynamics and the properties of the transition are controlled by the density perturbations in the hot plasma. We present, for the first time, the full solution of the linearized Boltzmann equation. Our approach, differently from the traditional one based on the fluid approximation,...
Cold and dense matter can be explored in a systematic way both in the high-density (perturbative QCD) and low-density (Chiral EFT) regime. However, the path connecting them is yet to be discovered. As a result, these descriptions are usually extrapolated into the intermediate density regime and then connected at some transition point. In this work I will present a model that has features of...
Predicition of tetraquark nad pentaquark masses have been done using effective theories and also there classification using different possible symmetries are done.
Inclusive semileptonic decays of beauty baryons are studied using the heavy quark expansion to order 1/mb^3 at leading order in α_{s}
The case of a polarized decaying baryon is examined, with reference to Λ_b.
The decays are studied in SM and in the extension based on the full set of D=6 semileptonic operators.
Topology enters in quantum in quantum field theory in multiple forms: one of the
most important being the identification of the $\theta$ vacuum in QCD.
A very relevant aspect of this connection is through the phenomenon of
the anomalies, both chiral and conformal.
It has been realized recently that a class of materials, comprising topological insulators and Weyl semimetals,
exhibit the...
Conformal symmetry has important consequences for strong interactions at short distances and provides powerful tools for practical calculations. Even if the Lagrangians of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) and Electrodynamics (QED) are invariant under conformal transformations, this symmetry is broken by quantum corrections. The signature of the symmetry breaking is encoded in the presence of...
An holographic approach is applied to study chaotic behaviour of a strongly coupled Q Qbar pair in general thermal background. We consider two different backgrounds, one with finite temperature and baryon density, and one with finite temperature and constant magnetic field along a fixed direction. The results allow us to understand the chaotic dynamics dependence on the parameters of the...
We analyze the form factors that parametrize the B_c to J/psi, eta_c matrix elements of the operators in the effective b to c semileptonic Hamiltonian. We consider an expansion in nonrelativistic QCD, classifying the heavy quark spin symmetry breaking terms and expressing the form factors in terms of universal functions in a selected kinematical range. Using as an input the lattice QCD...
The proposed Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) at the Brookhaven National Laboratory will study the collisions of polarized electrons with polarized protons and ions. The measurement of scattered electrons and charged particles will provide the main ingredients to achieve the physics objectives given below.
Distribution of sea quarks and gluons, and their spins inside the nucleon, basically 3D...
Directed flow of particles is an important feature seen in heavy-ion collisions and is a sensitive probe of the equation of state (EoS) of the matter produced in the collisions. Model calculations have also predicted that directed flow could be a sensitive probe of the softening of EOS associated with a first order phase transition. Directed flow of protons and anti-protons are of particular...