Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) is a well-preformed gasous detector with good efficiency, high position and time resolution and low cost. In the recent years, muon tomography has attracted much attention due to its possible application to detect high Z materials. Precise measurements of the incident and outgoing angles of the cosmic muons are mandatory in this application. Large size...
Multi-gap resistive chamber (MRPC) has been well-known for its extremely high time resolution, and therefore, it has been chosen by Jefferson Lab to constitute the Time-of-Flight system in the Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID). In this experiment, the requirement for the time resolution of MRPC detectors is around 20 ps, which far exceeds the typical time resolution (50~70 ps) that can...
Monitoring the RPC current stability proves to be a tedious work in CMS experiment where one needs to deals with more than a thousand individual high voltage (HV) channels. The current depends from several parameters (applied voltage, luminosity, environmental parameters, etc.) and sometime it's not obvious if it changes due to variation of the external parameters or if it's due to a chamber...