Feb 10 – 14, 2020
Europe/Rome timezone
We are waiting to see you in Rome!

Young Scientist Awards

The Young Scientist Award Committee, composed by Paulo Fonte, Diego Gonzalez Diaz and  Michael Tytgat, at the end of the conference gave  the prizes for the best oral presentations and the best poster.


RPC2020 Young Scientist Poster Award
Liliana Congedo (Bari U. & INFN) - "RPCs and readout system for the neutrino detector of the SHiP experiment "


RPC2020 Young Scientist Oral Presentation Award
Reham Aly (Bari U. & INFN) - "Aging study on Resistive Plate Chambers of the CMS muon detector for HL-LHC"

GianLuca Rigoletti (CERN) - "Performance studies of RPC detectors with new environmentally friendly gas mixtures in presence of LHC-like background radiation"

Antonio Bianchi (Torino U. & INFN) - "Environment-friendly gas mixtures for Resistive
Plate Chambers: an experimental and simulation study"

Jaydeep Datta (Homi Bhabha National Institute) - "Study of Streamer Development in Resistive Plate Chamber"