Presentation materials
The goal of the present research is to achieve functionally improved trigger RPCs with a two-dimensional strip readout method whose intrinsic time resolution is better than 500 ps. In the present research, we constructed single-gap RPCs with gap thicknesses of 1.0, 1.6, and 2.0 mm using phenolic high pressurized laminate (HPL). The detector performances was examined for cosmic muons using a...
A large number of thin gap RPCs with new type of electronics board will be installed in the ATLAS BI region during the Phase-II Upgrade. A new double-end readout method is proposed. In precondition of satisfying the upgrade performance requirement, this method will potentially reduce the detector thickness, the dead area between units and save the electronics channels. With the signals read...
The multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) has been used in many high energy physics and nuclear experiments in the last decade, such as ALICE and STAR. The MRPC usually works in the condition where the particle flux is under1 kHz/cm^2, so normal commercial glass (ρ≈〖10〗^12 Ω.cm) can be used. But with the increasing of beam energy and final state particles, the rate capability of MRPC has to...
The CSR (Cooler Storage Ring) External-target Experiment (CEE), located at the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL), is designed for the physical purpose of approaching the critical point from the hadronic phase side in Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) phase diagram. In addition, it is also expected to offer a probe for study on the density dependence of symmetry energy, and for...
Multigap Resistive Plate Chambers (MRPC) with an excellent time accuracy in the range of sub-nanoseconds are often used as time-of-flight detector. For the Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment (CBM) at GSI/FAIR, MRPCs are required to work in the CBM-TOF-wall at particle fluxes on the order of 1-10 kHz/cm2 for the outer region and 10-25 kHz/cm2 for the central region. The high bulk resistivity...
The intrinsic rate capability and the ageing properties of the Resistive Plate Chambers are closely related to the electrodes material and to the front-end electronics threshold. Thanks to the development of a low noise pre-amplifier, the intrinsic rate capability of High Pressure Laminate (bakelite) RPC has been improved up to
At LIP-Coimbra and in collaboration with the TUM-FRMII and ESS detector groups, we have been refining the concept of a novel type of position-sensitive neutron detector (PSND) based on resistive plate chambers with 10B4C layers (10B-RPCs) as neutron converters. Our studies performed in the frame of SINE2020 (EU project 654000) have successfully proven the...