10–14 Feb 2020
Europe/Rome timezone
We are waiting to see you in Rome!

Fee Payments

Conference Fee: Euro 370,00

Full Fee (including Cultural Visit): Euro 410,00

For each accompanying person additional charges are due: Euro 60,00 for social dinner, Euro 40,00 for cultural visit.


The fee must be paid in Euro by bank transfer

Beneficiary: ARAP - Associazione Romana per le Astro-Particelle

Bank name: Unicredit Banca di Roma, Ple. Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma

IBAN: IT 34 X 02008 05227 000011607039

Swift Code: UNCRITM1153

Payment description: “RPC2020 - Fee for (family name and first name of the participant)"


Please note that all bank charges must be covered by the remitter.

In case of a transfer for several fees, it is mandatory to indicate all participants names in the description.

Alternatively, the fee can pe paid at the conference site by credit card

(please note that cash payment is strongly discouraged).


For INFN employees and associates: ARAP is a non-profit association and therefore it is exempt from VAT and from the obligation of electronic invoicing. Upon registration, you will be given a receipt, issued to the INFN, with this declaration.