85 / 85
- Vadim Alexakhin
- Mario Antonelli (INFN, LNF)
Sebastian Bachmann
(University of Heidelberg)
- Speaker at LHCb status and minimum bias physics
- Renu Bala
- Nicole BASTID
- Marco Battaglia (UCSC and CERN)
- Franco Bedeschi (INFN Pisa)
Sergio Bertolucci
(CERN, Geneva and INFN, LNF)
- Speaker at Status of LHC
Cristina Biino
(INFN Torino)
- Speaker at Precision measurements of kaon radiative decays
- Speaker at Status of CMS and first results
- Joachim Brod (ECU, TU Munich)
Jolanta Brodzicka
(INP Krakow)
- Speaker at Recent results on quarkonia at Belle
- Speaker at Status and Prospects of SuperKEKB and Belle II
Carlo Bucci
- Speaker at Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Concetta Cartaro
- Speaker at Searches for New Physics at BaBar
- Matthew Charles (Oxford University)
- Kai-Feng Chen (National Taiwan University)
- Giorgio Chiarelli
Sandro de Cecco
(LPNHE, Université Paris VII, CNRS-IN2P3)
- Speaker at Heavy Flavor Properties at CDF
- Cristinel Diaconu
- Fausto Elisei (Faculty of Sciences, Dean)
- Fernando Ferroni (University La Sapienza and INFN, Roma)
- Nicola Gagliardi (University of Padova)
- Francesco Gonnella (University Roma Tor Vergata and INFN)
Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez
(IFCA, Santander)
- Speaker at Higgs search prospects at LHC
- Evgueni Goudzovski (JINR Dubna)
Kenneth Hicks
- Speaker at Hyperon Resonance Photoproduction at CLAS
- Speaker at Hyperon Resonance Photoproduction at CLAS
- Xiaobin Ji
Sonia Kabana
- Speaker at Charm and Beauty production at RHIC
- Speaker at Charm and Beauty production at RHIC
- Jernej Kamenik
Steve King
(University of Southampton)
- Speaker at Lepton Flavor for Hadron Flavor Physicists
Collaboration KLOE
- Speaker at Measuring KS and KL lifetimes at KLOE
- Speaker at The KLOE-2 experiment at DAFNE upgraded in luminosity
- Rob Kutschke
Theodore Kypreos
(University of Florida)
- Speaker at Low-mass di-muons at CMS
Cristina Lazzeroni Lazzeroni
- Speaker at Measurement of BR(K --> e nu)/BR(K --> mu nu) in NA62
- Speaker at Measurement of Ks --> pipiee decay mode at NA48
- Speaker at Measurement of the FCNC Decays K+- -> pi+- l+ l- in NA48
- Speaker at Measurement of the radiative Decay K+- -> pi0 e+- nu_e gamma at NA48
- Speaker at Measurement of the rare Decay K+- -> pi+- gamma gamma at NA48
- Speaker at Precision Measurement of Photon Emission in K+- -> pi+- pi0 gamma Decays at NA48
- Speaker at Precision Measurement of pi pi Scattering Lengths in Ke4 Decays at NA48
- Speaker at The NA62 experiment at CERN
- Anne-Catherine Le.Bihan (IPHC CNRS/IN2P3, Strasbourg)
GeiYoub Lim
- Speaker at Kaon Experiments at J-PARC
- Speaker at Kaon Experiments at J-Parc
- Speaker at Results from the E391a experiment at KEK
- Speaker at The E391a experiment at KEK
- Pasquale Lubrano (INFN Perugia Department, Director)
- Spyridon Margetis
- Evelina M. Marinova (INFN Perugia)
Antonio Masiero
(University of Padova and INFN)
- Speaker at Heavy Flavors as a Gate to New Physics
- Mauro Mezzetto
David Antony Milstead
(Stockholm University)
- Speaker at Search for Susy and new physics at LHC
Sanjib Mishra
- Speaker at Recent Results in Precision Neutrino Physics
- Gagan Mohanty (TIFR Mumbai)
Eleni Mountricha
(NTUA, Athens)
- Speaker at First ATLAS results on charm production
Paras Naik
- Speaker at Advances in Open Charm Physics at CLEO-c
- Speaker at Advances in Open Charm Physics at CLEO-c
Tatsuya Nakada
(Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL))
- Speaker at BEACH2010 Summary Talk
- Speaker at Summary Talk
Yura Naryshkin
- Speaker at Lambda polarization
- Speaker at Lambda Polarization at HERMES
- Hiroaki Natori
Silvia Niccolai
(IPN Orsay)
- Speaker at The physics program of CLAS12
- Speaker at The physics program of CLAS12
- Grazyna Nowak (INP PAS, Krakow)
Franco Ivan Nucciarelli
(Faculty of Humanities, University of Perugia)
- Speaker at Perugia through words and pictures
Toshio Numao
- Speaker at Precision Measurements with Pions: a review
- Speaker at Toshio Numao
Paride Paradisi
- Speaker at Unitarity Triangle and New Physics
- Speaker at Unitarity Triangle and New Physics
Monica Pepe Altarelli
- Speaker at Minimum bias physics at LHCb
- Speaker at Search for New Physics in Heavy Quark Decays at LHCb
- Speaker at Studies of open charm and charmonium production at LHCb
- Wojciech Perlanski (Lodz University)
- Antonio Pieretti (University of Perugia, Deputy Rector)
- Kristian Piscicchia
- Speaker at ATLAS status and first results
- Antonio Davide Polosa (INFN Roma1)
Matteo Rama
- Speaker at Status and Prospects of the SuperB Factory
- Speaker at Status and prospects of the SuperB project
- Rossella Romita
Giuseppe Ruggiero
(Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
- Speaker at The NA62 Experiment at CERN
Yoshihide Sakai
- Speaker at Belle Hot topics
- Speaker at Hadronic B decays at Belle
- Speaker at Results on CKM and CP violation at Belle
- Speaker at Status and Prospects of SuperKEKB and Belle II
- Kamal Seth
- Diana Laura Sirghi
- Maria Smizanska (Lancaster University)
Nickolas Solomey
(Wichita State University)
- Speaker at A new measurement of charged kaons mass
Simone Stracka
(INFN Milano)
- Speaker at Quarkonium Studies at BaBar
Kerim Suruliz
(ICTP, Trieste)
- Speaker at ATLAS top physics
- Speaker at ATLAS top physics
- Sara Taheri Monfared
Maruyama Takasumi
- Speaker at Review on Neutrino Oscillations
- Silvia Taroni (INFN Milano-Bicocca)
- Speaker at Quarkonium Studies at Babar
- Speaker at Searches for New Physics at BaBar
- Speaker at Recent CP Violation and CKM Results from BABAR
Giorgio Torrieri
- Speaker at The perfect opaque fluid at RHIC
- Speaker at The perfect opaque fluid at RHIC
Dan Tovey
(University of Sheffield)
- Speaker at Status of ATLAS and first results
Robert Tschirhart
- Speaker at A new high sensitivity muon-electron conversion search at Fermilab
- Speaker at Precision Measurement of K+ -> pi+, nu,nubar at Fermilab
- Speaker at Precision Measurement of K+ -> pi+ nu nubar at Fermilab
- Speaker at The Fermilab Project-X Research Program
- Speaker at The Fermilab Project-X Research Program
Begum Umme Jamil
- Speaker at $R_{AA}$ of charm quarks at RHIC and LHC
- Speaker at R_(AA) of charm quarks at RHIC and LHC
- Jeroen van Tilburg (Universitaet Zuerich)
- Renaud Vernet
- Guido Volpi (INFN Pisa)
- Yifei Wang
- Rainer Wanke (Mainz University)
- Mark Williams
- Thomas Würschig
Jingzhi Zhang
- Speaker at Charmonium results from BESIII
- Speaker at Charmonium Results from BESIII