Paras Naik
(University of Bristol)
Cornell's Laboratory for Elementary Particle Physics hosts the CLEO-c experiment, which over the last several years, has collected data near the charm production threshold. The full data sample, now completely in hand, includes over 10 million D mesons - a particle containing a charm quark and an anti-up or anti-down quark, approximately 1.2 million Ds mesons - a particle containing a charm quark and an anti-strange quark. These unprecedented "charm" data samples were collected in the superb CLEO-c detector, which provides excellent electromagnetic calorimetry, charged particle tracking and identification, and near 4pi solid angular coverage.
A survey of CLEO Open Charm results will be presented. These results substantially extend the reach and understanding of heavy flavor physics. The world community will benefit as results from CLEO-c extend the reach of the Belle experiment at KEK and LHCb experiment at CERN and lay foundations for the physics program of the BESIII experiment in China.
Primary author
Paras Naik
(University of Bristol)