Yifei Wang
(Uni Heidelberg)
Y.Wang for the ALICE Collaboration
Heavy quarks(c, b), due to their large mass, are unique tools to study the
degree of thermalization of the initially created matter in high
energy nuclear collisions at LHC. The calculation of the total charm
production remains a challenge in perturbative QCD. Presently,
measurement of the charm production at the TeV scale are rather limited.
LHC has just started delivering p+p collisions at the world's highest center
of mass energy of 7 TeV. The first results on open charm
resonance production in the channel D*+ -> D0 + \pi (BR:68%), where D0 -> K
pi+ channel(BR: 4%), with the ALICE detector will be shown.
Primary author
Yifei Wang
(Uni Heidelberg)