21–26 Jun 2010
University of Perugia, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

The E391a experiment at KEK

Not scheduled
Aula Magna (Great Hall) (University of Perugia, Italy)

Aula Magna (Great Hall)

University of Perugia, Italy


Dr GeiYoub Lim (KEK)


The KEK-PS E391a experiment is the first experiment dedicated to the KL->pi-zero nu nu-bar decay. Its primary goal is to establish an experimental method for precise measurement of the ultara rare process. There were three times of data taking during 2002-2003 at the 12-GeV proton syncrotron in KEK, Japan. The experimental group published their results recently and it will be the main contents of this talk.

Primary author

Dr GeiYoub Lim (KEK)

Presentation materials

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