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21–26 Jun 2010
University of Perugia, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Search for New Physics in Heavy Quark Decays at LHCb

Not scheduled
Aula Magna (Great Hall) (University of Perugia, Italy)

Aula Magna (Great Hall)

University of Perugia, Italy


Monica Pepe Altarelli (CERN)


LHCb is an experiment designed to search for evidence of new physics effects through precise measurements of decays of B and D mesons. Already with the early data from the first LHC running it is possible to assess the performance of the detector and to understand better the potential of the LHCb flavour programme. Highlights of these early data will be presented and the physics reach of LHCb in certain key CP-violation and rare decay measurements will be discussed. Emphasis will be given to those topics where results with particular sensitivity to new physics are expected during the present 2010-11 run.

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