Oct 15 – 16, 2019
Museo Diocesano, Via Etnea, 8, Catania, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Special Issue

Special Issue of X-ray Spectrometry

Selected MA-XRF 2019 contributions will be published in a special issue of the scientific journal X-Ray Spectrometry (Wiley Online Library).

Registered authors of accepted contributions are invited to submit one manuscript for publication. Please note that no more than one manuscript per participant will be considered.

Manuscripts should be prepared in the strict format of X-Ray Spectrometry. No maximum number of pages has been specified.

Manuscripts should be submitted by 10 January 2020 following the instructions below.

Instructions for manuscript submission to X-Ray Spectrometry

Connect to the Manuscript Central of X-Ray Spectrometry here: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/xrs.

If you have an account, please use your username and password to login. If you have forgotten your password, follow the instructions to generate a new password. If you have never submitted a manuscript before to XRS you need to create a new account.

Log in using your XRS credentials and select Author Center. You will be redirected immediately to your personal page reporting statistics about your past submissions.

On the box Author Resources click to submit a new manuscript and follow the online procedure which will guide you through the submission.

The procedure requires the introduction of different types of data from authors names and affiliations, to title and abstract, to the upload of files for the manuscript, tables and figures. You can interrupt the procedure and complete it in a successive session. Please, remember to save the last input data.

To specify that the manuscript is a candidate for the MA-XRF 2019 special issue, you should follow the instructions below:

  • At point 1 (Type, Title and Abstract) of the manuscript submission, in the field Manuscript type, select Special Issue.
  • At point 4 (Details and Comments) of the manuscript submission, in the field Special Issue Information you should write “MA-XRF 2019”. Later on, at the field Editor selection, please write “Francesco Paolo Romano”.