13–14 mag 2019
Europe/Rome fuso orario


Participants are kindly requested to directly book their rooms in Bari. Early booking is highly recommended, since Bari is a very requested tourist destination, even though the workshop is slightly before high-season, the festivities for Saint-Nicolas have been celebrated just a few days before: May 8-10.  You can find many hotels and bed and breakfasts in Bari, though we would like to suggest you one of the following hotels that are close to the railway station: Hotel Excelsior and Grand Hotel Leon d'oro.

Hotel Excelsior

Via Giulio Petroni 15 - 70124 Bari
Phone: +39 080 556 4366
Website: https://excelsiorbari.it/en

Ten double rooms (single use) have been blocked up to 26/03/19 and are offered at 89EUR/night. Please contact us (rcgd19@lists.ba.infn.it) if you would like to use this offer. 

Grand Hotel Leon d'oro

Piazza Aldo Moro 4 - 70122 Bari
Phone: +39 080 523 50 40
Website: https://leondorograndhotel.it

Three double rooms (single use) have been blocked up to 12/04/19 and are offered at 85EUR/night. Please contact us (rcgd19@lists.ba.infn.it) if you would like to use this offer.