3–7 Jun 2019
Hotel Hermitage - Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

AMS and DAMPE: first experiences with federated cloud solutions and a look toward the future

7 Jun 2019, 11:00
Sala Maria Luisa (Hotel Hermitage - Isola d'Elba)

Sala Maria Luisa

Hotel Hermitage - Isola d'Elba

La Biodola 57037 Portoferraio (Li) Tel. +39.0565 9740 http://www.hotelhermitage.it/
Orale Modelli di calcolo per gli esperimenti e evoluzione delle infrastrutture Calcolo negli esperimenti


Matteo Duranti (PG)


The computing model of the AMS and DAMPE Cosmic Ray experiments is designed to cope with several TB of ROOT files produced for every year of mission. Periodically the reprocessing of the full dataset is needed and on yearly base a massive MonteCarlo production of the various CR species bust me run. The data analysis is, typically, performed on reduced ntuples by tens of users. Both the data production and the data analysis are run in the ~ 5 computing centers of the collaboration without any grid-like framework. Recently we started exploiting technical solutions provided by Dynamic On Demand Analysis Service, DODAS developed in the context of projects such as INDIGO-DataCloud, EOSC-hub and XDC in order to seamlessly access cloud resources both commercial (Deutsche Telekom, Google-Cloud) and on premises (Cloud@ReCas, and Cloud@CNAF). The work is progressing toward a larger federation which includes many and different IaaS’s into a single DODAS provided pool of resources. A concrete example is the ongoing initiative to include AMS2 compute resouces hosted at ASI. Results of this activity will be shown including the experience and perspectives of the experiments both on computing and data handling. We will include also a wish lists for the future

Primary authors

Valerio Formato (PG) Matteo Duranti (PG)

Presentation materials