2019 Winter institute on Axions in Astrophysics and Cosmology

INFN-LNF, Aula Seminari

INFN-LNF, Aula Seminari

Enrico Nardi (LNF)
Aim of the meeting:
This informal meeting is intended for extensive discussions on 
astrophysical and cosmological implications of Axions.
A certain number of more formal seminars will be open to the 
general audience: 
Monday 21/01 2:30pm        Enrico Nardi (INFN-LNF) 
"Astrophobic Axions"
Monday 21/01 3:00pm        Fred Bjorkeroth  (INFN-LNF) 
"Peccei-Quinn Symmetry as a Flavor Symmetry"
Tuesday 22/01   2.30pm:         Luca Visinelli (Uppsala University)
"Future Challenges for Axion Physics" 

Wednesday 23/01 2:30pm:      Maurizio Giannotti (Barry University)
"Bounds and Hints on Axions from Stars" 
Thursday 24/01, 2:30pm 
Meeting: "The KLASH scientific case"
(For the KLASH Conceptual Design report)

2019 Winter institute on Axions in Astrophysics and Cosmology
  • Claudio Gatti
  • Danilo Babusci
  • Enrico Nardi
  • Federica Giacchino
  • Fredrik Björkeroth
  • Maurizio Giannotti
    • 14:30 15:00
      Astrophobic Axions 30m

      Reliable estimates of the allowed range for axion couplings to photons, nucleons and electrons are of major importance for determining the viable axion mass window as well as to focus experimental axion searches.
      We show that in a class of generalized DFSZ axion models with generation dependent Peccei-Quinn charges the axion
      couplings to nucleons and electrons can be simultaneously suppressed, thus relaxing the limits on the axion mass from the SN1987A burst duration and from white dwarf cooling.

      Speaker: Enrico Nardi
    • 15:00 15:30
      Peccei-Quinn Symmetry as a Flavor Symmetry 30m

      There has been recent interest in possible connections between a Peccei-Quinn (PQ)
      symmetry and quark flavour structures. I describe how a generic
      generation-dependent U(1) symmetry acting on the quark Yukawa operators can reduce
      the number of free parameters in the quark sector. The maximal reduction
      compatible with CP violation yields nine real parameters and one phase, which
      matches the number of physical observables, implying that such models have no free
      parameters. This has several interesting consequences: (i) there are only two
      inequivalent textures, each one giving rise to six different models depending on
      quark flavour assignments, (ii) the U(1) symmetries that generate these textures
      all have a QCD anomaly, and hence are PQ symmetries, (iii) the resultant axion has
      flavour-violating couplings to quarks, which can be probed in meson decays, (iv)
      in some cases the contributions to the QCD anomaly of two generations cancels out,
      opening up the possibility that the axion coupling to nucleons is strongly

      Speaker: Fredrik Bjorkeroth (INFN-LNF)
    • 14:30 15:30
      Future challenges for Axion Physics 1h

      In this talk, I want to provide with some topics that I consider interesting to be explored in the near future. In particular, I will discuss a few ideas for small and big projects that could be developed in relation with axion physics, with a particular attention to the role of substructures.

      Speaker: Luca Visinelli
    • 14:30 15:30
      Bounds and Hints on Axions from Stars 1h

      Stars are powerful laboratories to study light, weakly interactive particles. In particular, considerations about stars and stellar evolution have led to strong bounds on axion like particles (ALPs), hidden photons, anomalous electromagnetic properties of neutrinos, etc. More recently, observations of excessive stellar energy losses have led to the appealing idea that new-physics (most likely, ALPs) may be playing a role in stellar cooling. I will review the stellar bounds and hints on ALPs and discuss the current experimental potential to probe the hinted parameter space.

      Speaker: Maurizio Giannotti
    • 14:30 15:30
      Meeting: "The KLASH scientific case" Aula A1 Alte Energie

      Aula A1 Alte Energie

      Meeting to outline the KLASH scientific case, for the KLASH Conceptual Design Report