The Workshop on FCC-ee and Lepton Colliders will be held in the Bruno Touschek Auditorium (Bldg. 36, - see map).
Free accommodation will be offered to PhD students in shared double rooms on a first-come-first-serve basis; further, it will be provided to all speakers, as well as to a limited number of participants on a first-come-first-serve basis. Late registrants will have to arrange for their own accommodation.
We have planned a fee of € 100 esclusively for INFN Staff and associates, which must be paid through internal transfer (storno) among INFN sites. INFN participants are required to specify in the registration form their INFN site and group. They are also required to inform their administration about the group to be charged.
Organizing Committee:
S. Alioli (Milano Bicocca)
E. Bagnaschi (LNF INFN)
G. Corcella (LNF INFN)
V. Del Duca (LNF INFN)
Steering Committee:
P. Azzi (INFN Padova)
M. Corradi (INFN Roma)
P. Giacomelli (INFN Bologna)
D. Lucchesi (Padova Univ.)
F. Maltoni (Bologna Univ.)
N. Pastrone (INFN Torino)
F. Piccinini (INFN Pavia)
G. Sguazzoni (INFN Firenze)
R. Tenchini (INFN Pisa)