The early history of the 3CR radio sources and their role in opening up high energy astrophysics will be described. The 3CR sample turned out to have many of the properties which led to current topical issues in galaxy formation and evolution and the role which high energy astrophysics plays in these processes.
The relative positions of the high and low surface brightness regions of radio-loud active galaxies in the 3CR sample were found by Fanaroff and Riley to be correlated with their luminosity. We use the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) first data release to revisit this canonical relationship. LoTSS is the deepest wide-area survey to date, with sensitivity to both compact and extended...
I am one of the authors of the 3C Catalogue. I observed the Northern part of the Survey called 3C(c) in August-September 1956 as part of my PhD thesis.
Abstract: In 1956, David Edge and I observed the Northern sky using the 4-aerial interferometer from the 2C Survey, with feeds modified for 159 MHz. David’s thesis was the major 3C(a) survey. My observations - just 63 years ago - were...
The pages of Nature for March 16 1963 carried two short publications which announced the precise radio position, structure, and the optical identification and redshift measurement of the radio source 3C 273, the first quasar (Hazard et. al., 1963; Schmidt, 1963). These discoveries irreversibly changed our understanding of the Universe, and at the same time gave 3C 273 an iconic place...
We present the catalogue of RadiO sources with Galactic counterparts and Unresolved or Extended morphologies I (ROGUE I), which is the largest handmade catalogue of visually classified radio objects and optical galaxies. It was created by cross-matching galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 as well as radio sources from the First Images of Radio Sky at Twenty Centimetre and...
Hybrid morphology radio sources (HyMoRS) are a rare type of radio galaxy that display distinct Fanaroff-Riley classes on opposite sides of their nuclei. To increase number statistic in the analyses of hybrid morphology radio sources, our team embarked on a large-scale search of these sources within the international citizen science project, the Radio Galaxy Zoo. In the first stage of this...