The 3C RR radio catalog is a low-frequency radio-selected sample, and is one of the most well-studied radio samples on multi-band. The uniqueness of the sample enables us to study the emission of AGNs at various aspects. In this talk, we will give our results about the composite X-ray spectrum of 3C RR quasars, and the pc-scale structure of 3C RR radio galaxies. The composite SED of radio-loud quasars differs from that of radio-quiet quasars mainly on radio and X-ray bands, while the former difference may be caused by the jet, the reason of the latter is unclear. The 3C RR sample is low-frequency radio selected sample, therefore, the sample is dominated by the steep-spectrum sources, in which the jet beaming effect will not be severe, ideal for studying the SED of radio-loud quasars. We found that the composite X-ray spectrum of 3C RR quasars is similar to that of radio-loud quasars in the literature, supporting the SED difference between radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars. We will also show the pc-scale structure of a sample of 3C RR radio galaxies by using VLBA data both observed by us and from the literature. The MIR observations are used to constrain the accretion mode in the sample sources. The ps-scale structure and the jet-accretion relation are studied (Yuan, Gu & Chen 2018).