16–20 Sept 2019
Torino - Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline
    No deadline

Abstract submission for talks has closed, and we are now only accepting abstracts for posters. Click on the "Submit new abstract" button below to create an Indico account (as an external user), or to login to your existing account (Indico or INFN).


We invite participants who may be interested in facilitating an open discussion about a special topic (e.g., an upcoming large survey; science to be anticipated with an upcoming instrument) relevant to the conference to organize a special session during the conference. The format will be up to the proposer - e.g., an open round-table discussion, a discussion led by a proposed set of conveners, including short presentations, or a combination. Potentially interested conveners / organizers should submit their proposed session title, including a single-paragraph description, plus (if applicable) a list of interested participants.

We expect either two or four special sessions (depending on the submissions) will be run in parallel in separate rooms (each with its own A/V equipment) during a dedicated half-day of the conference.

To facilitate interaction between prospective proposers of special topical sessions, we have opened a dedicated forum where anyone can propose and share their ideas. The forum is openly readable and editable by anyone. Though the link is only provided to those who have submitted a registration, you are free to share it with any potentially interested participant.

The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.