Using relativistic hydrodynamic equations for polarized spin 1/2 particles we determine the space-time evolution of the spin polarization in the system. In our approach we use the forms of the energy-momentum and spin tensors based on de Groot, van Leeuwen, and van Weert. The calculations are done in a boost-invariant and transversely homogeneous setup. We present how the...
Studying solutions to Cosmological models through the Wheeler DeWitt (WDW) equation with deformed phase space could be interpreted as studying quantum effects to Cosmology. In this talk we make an analysis of scalar field cosmology
Bragg interferometers, operating using pseudospin-1/2 systems composed of two momentum states, have become a mature technology for precision measurements. State-of-the-art Bragg interferometers are rapidly surpassing technical limitations and are soon expected to operate near the projection noise limit set by uncorrelated atoms. Despite the use of large numbers of atoms, their operation is...
Superradiance is a radiation enhancement effect occurring by energy extraction from a rotating spacetime. Being a kinematical effect it can also happen in gravitational analogues, where the energy for the amplification is extracted from the fluid motion. We discuss such an effect in Bose-Einstein condensates with different geometries and show that the well known instability of multiply...
Functional integration of a nonrelativistic scalar field is an elegant formulation of
Quantum Field Theory to study the Thermodynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates,
made with dilute ultracold atomic gases.
In a beyond mean field approach one can derive the static and dynamical properties
of a condensate confined in different geometries and with D-spatial dimensions.
In particular, we have...
The development of new laser-beam shaping methods is important in a variety of fields within optics, atomic physics and biophotonics. Spatial light modulators offer a highly versatile method of time-dependent beam shaping, based on imprinting a phase profile onto an incident laser beam which then determines the intensity in the far field, where the atoms are trapped. The calculation of the...
The $SU(2)\bigotimes U(1) $ gauge model unifying
the electromagnetic and weak interactions, which is initially free of the auxiliary self-interaction scalar field, is developed. We narrow the initial symmetry up to $SU_L(2)\bigotimes U_R(1) $ by eliminating the right neutrinos current from the Lagrangian by means of the bosonization of this current into the $SU(2)$ current of the charged...
We unify and generalize the notions of vacuum and amplitude in linear quantum field theory in curved spacetime. Crucially, the generalized notion admits a localization in spacetime regions and on hypersurfaces. The underlying concept is that of a Lagrangian subspace of the space of complexified germs of solutions of the equations of motion on hypersurfaces. Traditional vacua and traditional...
In recent years, experiments using cold atoms in Rydberg states have emerged as a powerful platform for the quantum simulation of condensed matter Hamiltonians with extended-range interactions (ERI). This perspective for experimental realization has led to strong cross-fertilization between atomic and condensed matter physics, with considerable theoretical work being dedicated to the study of...
We explore many-body entanglement in spinful Fermi gases with short-range interactions, for metrology purposes. We characterize the emerging quantum phases via Density-Matrix Renormalization Group simulations and quantify their entanglement content for metrological usability via the Quantum Fisher Information (QFI). Our study establishes a method, promoting the QFI to be an order parameter....