22–25 Jan 2019
Europe/Rome timezone

Blazars under the lens of future X-ray polarimeters: perspectives for the IXPE mission

23 Jan 2019, 17:10
Polo di Psicologia - room 3I (3rd floor, building 2) (Padova)

Polo di Psicologia - room 3I (3rd floor, building 2)


Via Venezia, 12-14 Padova
Talk Main track Modeling


Dr Laura Di Gesu (Italian Space Agency (ASI))


With the advent of the IXPE (Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer) satellite
expected for launch in 2021, the study of the
X-ray polarization properties of several bright nearby sources
will become possible. Blazars are obvious candidates for X-ray
polarization observations.
For instance, a high degree of X-ray polarization is expected from
high-peaked blazars (HBL) because synchrotron radiation in an ordered
magnetic field
is naturally polarized. Moreover, X-ray polarization observations
have the potential of discriminating between different scenarios for the
of the X-ray emission in low peaked blazars (LBL) objects.
In this talk, we discuss the perspectives of IXPE observations of blazars,
focusing on polarization modeling of different classes of BL Lac objects.

Primary author

Dr Laura Di Gesu (Italian Space Agency (ASI))


Dr Immacolata Donnarumma (ASI)

Presentation materials