22–25 Jan 2019
Europe/Rome timezone

3LAC counterparts to IceCube neutrinos above 100 TeV

24 Jan 2019, 14:00
Polo di Psicologia - room 3I (3rd floor, building 2) (Padova)

Polo di Psicologia - room 3I (3rd floor, building 2)


Via Venezia, 12-14 Padova
Talk Main track Connection to neutrinos


Dr Felicia Krauss (GRAPPA/API, University of Amsterdam)


High-fluence outbursts in coincidence with IceCube neutrino events have been found for the blazars PKS 1424-418 and TXS 0506+056. Here, we study all 179 3LAC blazars consistent with HESE IceCube neutrinos above 100 TeV and below 1 PeV. Adopting the IceCube neutrino spectral index, we compute the expected neutrino event numbers. We emphasize that the calorimetric photon energy fluxes obtained by integrating over the spectral energy distribution differ by a large margin from the Fermi-LAT fluxes alone. The resulting neutrino event numbers exceed the IceCube measurements. Therefore we find that if only 3% of the observed electromagnetic high-energy flux is of hadronic origin, blazars can explain all of the HESE events. We also note that the non-detection of many gamma-ray bright blazars is still in agreement with the hadronic blazar model.

Primary author

Dr Felicia Krauss (GRAPPA/API, University of Amsterdam)


Prof. Joern Wilms (Remeis Observatory/ECAP, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg) Prof. Karl Mannheim (University Würzburg) Mr Kunal Deoskar (Oskar Klein Centre, Stockholm University) Prof. Matthias Kadler (University Würzburg) Mr Michael Kreter (Centre for Space Research, North-West University South Africa)

Presentation materials