Zhiyuan Pei
I would like to present our previous work on the radio core dominance in Fermi blazars. We compiled a sample of 4437 sources with available radio core-dominance parameters defined as the ratio of the core flux densities to extended ones, namely, R = Score/Sext., which includes 696 Fermi-detected sources respect to the catalog of FL8Y, the first eight years of science data from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope mission, and the rest of them are non-Fermi-detected sources. In our sample, 636 blazars are Fermi-detected and 1294 are not, and also consists of other subclasses such as Seyfert, Fanaroff-Riley I/II and normal galaxies. We investigate various different properties between Fermi-detected sources and non-Fermi-detected ones by using the core-dominance parameters as the previous study has shown that R is a good indication of beaming effect.
We then calculate the radio spectral indices for whole sample and adopt γ-ray photon indices for Fermi sources from FL8Y catalog for discussing their different performances on different subclasses, and obtain the relation between core-dominance parameters and radio spectral indices for both Fermi and non-Fermi sources according to the two components model on radio band, which are consistent with our previous study.
We found that the core-dominance parameters and radio spectral indices are quite different for different subclasses of AGNs, not only for Fermi sources but also non-Fermi sources, particularly, R for the former ones is averagely higher than later ones. We also adopt the same relation on core-dominance parameters and γ-ray photon indices for Fermi sources by taking the same assumption with two components model on γ-ray band, and obtain the fitting results indicating that the γ-ray emissions of Fermi blazars are mainly from the core component, which is perhaps associated with the beaming effect. Therefore, Fermi blazars are beamed.
Primary author
Zhiyuan Pei
Denis Bastieri
Junhui Fan
(University of Guangzhou)